Although the pandemic has remained fairly contained in Senegal, its economic impact has been severe. Strong fiscal and monetary policy support has helped bolster the health system and cushion the economic shock, with additional fiscal spending exceeding 3 percent of GDP. The IMF disbursed US$442 million (100 percent of quota) under the RFI/RCF in April to support the crisis response. An ambitious 2021–23 economic recovery plan aims to build a more resilient economy and support inclusive and private sector-led growth. WAEMU Finance Ministers agreed to return to the 3 percent of GDP fiscal deficit anchor more gradually (by 2023) owing to the pandemic’s impact and the security challenges in the Sahel.
Senegal is a West African nation that borders the Atlantic Ocean and had been an established trading station in the mid-fifteenth century.
Senegal also has a strong manufacturing sector and foreign investment. However, despite its steady economic growth, Senegal continues to be plagued by poverty and high unemployment.
Historical Dictionary of Senegal
The book should be of value to African studies scholars, anthropologists, and historians of Africa, colonialism, empire, and post-colonialism.
The Métis of Senegal is a history of politics and society among an influential group of mixed-race people who settled in coastal Africa under French colonialism.
The highly regarded Cultures of the World series celebrates the diversity of other cultures in this fully updated and expanded edition.
Examines the land, life, and history of the Wolof people of West Africa.
This collection critically examines "tolerance," "secularism," and respect for religious "diversity" within a social and political system dominated by Sufi brotherhoods.
"A country of singular vitality and visual splendor, Senegal is the westernmost African nation. It is steeped in rich traditions, and at the same time, is thriving in the present....
Senegal--an African Nation Between Islam and the West