Spherical Trigonometry for Dummies: Proving We Live on a Flat Earth

Spherical Trigonometry for Dummies: Proving We Live on a Flat Earth
John Mack, Lawrence Cohen, Brett Salisbury


Amazon has notified the writers that this book is getting fake reviews based on its proof of the flat earth. The opinions are based on anger from people in the space program or other interested bystanders who believe the earth is a spinning globe on its axis which is proven to be hogwash. This is proven and debunked in this guide. The Spherical Trigonometry for Dummies is peer reviewed by institutions around the world and is common knowledge of how to find the curvature of the earth. The formula is 8 inches per mile squared. The one star to five star ratings do not matter as it's all the opinion of the biased reader. Please keep that in mind as the negativity is from the wannabe NASA trolls. This guide is short and to the point. Treat it like a cliff note rather than a huge study. You will know more in 30 pages than you ever did from your Professor. In fact you can now debunk him in one sentence. Spherical Trigonometry for Dummies proves we live on a flat earth. Spherical Trigonometry is the study of curved triangles, triangles drawn on the surface of a sphere. The subject is practical, for example, because we don't live on a sphere. The subject has numerous elegant and unexpected theorems. I give a few below. For starters... To find the curvature of the earth... You must use Stanford's 8 Inches per Mile Squared. Using the theorem of Pythagoras a2 this number above the a means squared = 39632 again here the number is squared + 12. Notice this number 2? THAT MEANS SQUARED. The number 2 next to any number on the top right is squared. It would seem obvious, but many forget this basic math. Many people do not understand what a squared number looks like. NOW YOU KNOW. This books debunks the spinning globe theory using everyday Spherical Trigonometry. Go impress your teachers today and debunk NASA. The average IQ of each writer is 149. Captain Obvious is a member of Mensa. He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree from BYU. A master's degree from Stanford University in Aerospace Engineering. He completed both degrees in less than 4 years. Obvious is also a member of the Triple Nine Society. We never claimed to be prolific writers but we did debunk space science and their nonsense.