What do you think about G-d? What do you know about G-d? You do realize that there is a grave difference in the two don't you? What if I told you that much (not all) of what you think, and have been taught about the power of G-d, the authority of G-d, and the dominion of G-d, was actually about the power of you, the authority of you, and the dominion of you! I know, that's a somewhat offensive ideology to the synthetic traditionalist, and I certainly understand the look of confusion, and perhaps "yeah right" that's on your face even now as you're reading this page! Throughout the pages of this book, you will find some BIBLICAL truths that are going to empower godliness in you, and that will cause you to re-define what godliness really is! Are you ready? Let's go! I must warn you though, it will harm, injure, and destroy the traditional mind traps about God...hence, it will take a DANGEROUS MIND to embrace the truths!