DIY Projects BOX SET 2 IN 1: 45 Cheap & Easy DIY Household Hacks And Upcycling Ideas For Your Cozy Home BOOK#1: 120+ Useful & Easy DIY Household Hacks: On How to Decorate & Organize Your Home In Just 7 Days! If you are someone that is tired of coming home from a long day at work to a home that is dreary and filled with clutter-you should read this quick read book. This book offers great steps that you can take to turn your home from one of dull chaos to one that is organized and oozing calm and tranquility. You do not have to move necessarily to get that dream home. It may just be buried under the debris, and chaos that has basically buried it alive. You will get great suggestions on how to bring out that lovely organized home that you want. All you need to do is brush up on your decluttering skills to get this ball rolling! You will learn how to: organize your kitchen, bedrooms, bathroom, living room, garden, and garage clean your home with environmentally safe homemade cleaning products organize your living space so that you are getting maximum use of your spaces within your home get your home organized and decorated in just 7 days! BOOK #2: Recycle, Reuse, Renew!: 25+ Quick, Cheap and Easy DIY Household Hacks For Your Cozy Home If you are someone that is serious about trying to find ways to recycle, reuse or renew items inside and outside of your home then this book can offer you some great suggestions and tips to help you achieve your goals! If you are looking for ways to turn unwanted items in to things that are useful once again then you will enjoy the suggestions in this book that cover different materials: metal, paper, glass, furniture, plastic and old clothing items. You Will Learn How to Recycle, Reuse, and Renew: metal items paper items glass items furniture plastic items You can certainly set a good example by showing others a good environmentally friendly way to make use of items by either choosing to recycle, reuse, or renew them. The suggestions that you learn in this book you can then spread to others-spreading the green way of living is something we all need to get on board with to help conserve planet earth. Tags: projects for kids, decorating your home, diy projects, diy household hacks, organized home, simple house hacks, diy decoration and design, interior design, small space decorating, diy projects for the home, diy projects free.