Deep Down Dark (Summary): Summary and Analysis of Hector Tobar's Deep Down Dark: The Untold Stories of 33 Men Buried...

Deep Down Dark (Summary): Summary and Analysis of Hector Tobar's Deep Down Dark: The Untold Stories of 33 Men Buried...
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Learn About The Miners From Chile Who Got Trapped And Their Rescue In A Fraction Of The Time It Takes To Read The Actual Book!!! Today only, get this 1# Amazon bestseller for just $2.99. Regularly priced at $9.99. Read on your PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or Kindle device At the front of the book is a set of photographs and names of the miners who were trapped in the San José Mine followed by the prologue which tells us the mine can be found in the Atacama Desert in Chile and has gold, copper and iron buried in the mixture of its wealth. We follow the path to the mine through the eyes of one of its employees, Juan Carlos Agilar, who lives a thousand miles from the site and take in the beauty of the Chilean countryside passes by his bus window. We are also introduced to another few of the mine workers who attend the mine for seven day periods of twelve hour shifts. The mine operates twenty four hours a day. A brief history of the country follows as we are swept along on the miner's journey to the city of Copiapó, closest to the San José Mine, past the cemetery where many generations of miners lay and the poorest shanty town in the city.Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn When You Download Your Copy Today * How The Miners Got trapped In The Mine * The Reason Why It Took So Long To Rescue Them * Learn How The Miners Managed To Survive With Little Food And Water Download Your Copy Today! The contents of this book are easily worth over $9.99, but for a limited time you can download the summary of Hector Tobe's "Deep Down Dark" by for a special discounted price of only $2.99