Memories flood my mind as I reminisce how my journey has been a lifetime of happenings that speak to my soul with lessons that can be applied to our daily lives. These memories are conjured up at odd and, sometimes, inconvenient times. As I sat in church last Sunday and the pastor began his message, my mind captured a thought of bygone days that spoke loud and clear to my mind, and I scrambled in my bag for a pen and paper to put my thoughts down. Brother Tim must have thought he had really said something profound, and he did, but I did not write that down. It is my hope that all who read my memories and the lessons that I glean from them will take them to heart and identify with them and feel happiness, insight, and perhaps laughter as they share my memories and truths.
In January 1982, Sauter fired Charles Kuralt and Shad Northshield from the CBS Morning Show and hired a new producer, George Merlis, to reshape the broadcast. Merlis, a former producer of ABC's Good Morning, America, kept Diane Sawyer, ...
I needed Harry's help in more ways than one. When I emerged from the bathroom, Harry was there to help me back to his bed. I thanked him as I made myself as comfortable as I could under the circumstances. Maria would you like something ...
That's just the way my classrooms were. The difference today is there is no discipline. They haven't been taught, and it has to be done in the home. The teachers cannot do all of it; it's impossible. I really enjoyed my years of ...
This group " serve ( s ) as a constant reminder that not everyone in America is interested in learning about new technologies or finding new ways to do things . " Electronic commerce ranks low on the list of priorities for this group .
It was a way of cutting him down to size in front of the whole school. Worst of all, it was meant to pass unremarked. And it did. That was just the way it was. But when I look back on it now, it showed such disrespect for this man, ...
And That's The Way It Was A True Story As Lived In “The Valley” Copyright © 2006 by Florence Baltimore McDaniels All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, ...
This work is an accounting of our governments return to Vietnam in 1973 to execute 963 American soldiers that were AWOL and deserters.
TV News, That's the Way it was: A Comparative Analysis of Sydney's Television News, August 1978 and August 1983
“That's just the way the cookie crumbles,” he blurted out. I didn't quite understand the reference to culinary chemistry, but I did understand that he had no ready answer and was unwilling to search for one.
THAT'S THE WAY SHE IS There are all types of women we desire, With so many to select, Only one is for hire. With so many personality types, you never know what to expect But, to tell the truth, all female types I do admire.