Real love is selfless and free from fear. It pours itself out upon the object of its affection, without demanding any return. Its joy is in the joy of giving. Love is God in manifestation, and the strongest magnetic force in the universe. Pure, unselfish love draws to itself its own; it does not need to seek or demand.
The Lovebook
Karen Casey examine avec sensibilité le défi de l'amour : l'amour que nous donnons à nos amis à notre famille, à nous-mêmes, à un amant ou même à un étranger....
Whether you want to rekindle romance or conjure up the man of your dreams, this smoldering book of spellcrafting will show you how to find and keep true love: Embrace your inner goddess by learning to love yourself Spark a man's desire with ...
Love and Sex from a Spiritual Point of View
God Is Loving, He Wants Us to Be Loving
Bursting with color, free-spirited and energetic, this gift book celebrates living fully, being inspired and embracing possibilities.
Karen Casey. About the book : This collection of weekly meditations explores the topic of love between friends , family , lovers , and strangers , as well as self - love , and the challenges and new vistas love offers in any of its ...
Blenkinsopp , Joseph . Sexuality and the Christian Tradition . Dayton : Pflaum Press , 1969 . Bloesch , Donald . ... New York : Paulist - Newman , 1973 . Bonhoeffer , Dietrich . The Cost of Discipleship . New York : Macmillan , 1972 .
Momentos Del Alma
Emerald Queen