In Persecution: The Struggles of Apollos and Priscilla a group of missionaries tours once again the churches which are components of their Liberated Ministry. Apollos, the group's leader, leads them through a trip that includes twelve countries and different cities and towns: Mexico, Venezuela, Egypt, India, Russia, Italy, Germany, France, Spain, Britain, Canada and the United States, now part of the North American region. There is always the danger of offering and giving their lives in the name of Christ, like the first apostles who followed the Lamb of God wherever he could take them; filled with the Holy Spirit and power emanating from the third heaven. Thousands if not millions, thanks to them, hear the Gospel of the Good News and surrender their lives to the Giver and Creator of existence itself. Persecution, struggles and obstacles in their way, miracles, dangers of all kinds, sufferings, betrayals, hate, love and hopes, new brothers in the faith, and a whole whirlwind of events under the establishment of the New International Order led by the world's leading Nimrodis; now publicly proclaimed messiah, and known by Christians as the Antichrist. In this futuristic novel that in occasions appears as immediate and present, the Word of God is manifested with an extraordinary power which often is a reminiscent of those times during the apostles of Christ. Here prisoners are released, the sick healed miraculously, and leaders like Putinov stunned against the man of God Enoch. Rebels like Aanchal and her stalwart boyfriend Laghuvi Chain surrender their weapons to the Creator of love, Priscilla rises from the dead, and thousands are freed from slavery to the fear of an uncertain future; also, among other amazing works, Apollos resurrects and the Holy Spirit restores the speech to child Severiano. Time is short and urges; thus, at the end of their trip Apollos and Priscilla, united in their destiny, witness the beginning of a nuclear holocaust and the satisfaction of accomplishment, remembering the words of their teacher when in the land of Galilee he declared: "I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believes in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live" (John 11:25). The End of Ages and Times is upon all and the door has been closed for many! God's missionaries have set in motion and the world will have to listen. CONTENT: -Prologue.-Chapter I: Apollos.-Chapter II: Priscilla.-Chapter III:Apollos, Jonah, Enoch, Matthew and Mercedes begin their Missionary Journey through Mexico and Venezuela.-Chapter IV: Apollos and the Missionaries Matthew, Mercedes, and Enoch arrive in Egypt.-Chapter V: The Missionaries Apollos and Enoch arrive in India where they are betrayed.-Chapter VI: Arrival to the Russian Federation; encounter with Putinov and Departure of the Missionary Enoch.-Chapter VII: Rome: Apollos and Priscilla.-Chapter VIII: Apollos and Priscilla, together in life and love, both depart heading into Germany, and face The New Rosicrucians.-Chapter IX: The March of Apollos and Priscilla through the chaotic France.-Chapter X: Apollos and Priscilla get into Spain; and the Prince of Missionaries confronts the Antichrist Nimrodis.-Chapter XI: The Race of Apollos, Priscilla, and young Eustacio by Britain and Canada in their return to the North American region.-Chapter XII: The Testament of Apollos.-Citations included in the book.-About the Author.
The subject of persecution in the early Church, treated as a whole, has been somewhat neglected by English writers.
Evans , for instance , contrasts the forgivable rejection of Jesus during the time of his earthly ministry with the unforgivable rejection of the proclamation of his resurrection empowered by the Holy Spirit after Pentecost.223 This ...
The Discrimination, Persecution, Martyrdom: Following Christ Together global consultation was convened and organised by the Global Christian Forum, together with the Catholic Church (Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity), the ...
At the very beginning Goering read out the text of a telephone conversation monitored earlier on the same day by secret microphones , between Pastor Niemöller ...
... Aaron Johnson, Dayna Kalleres, Ariane Magny, heidi Marx-Wolf, Mike Proulx, claudia rapp, Michele salzman, lindsey scholl, and Jeremy schott. This project also benefited from the indefatigable assistance of Janet Fuchs Jackson, ...
Moral theologian and news analyst Dr. Thomas Williams incisively juxtaposes the still relatively unknown global Christian persecution of today with that of previous epochs, describing it in its various forms and providing insight into what ...
Michael L. Budde and Karen Scott (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2011), 107–124; William T. Cavanaugh, “Destroying the ... Heath W. Carter and Laura Rominger Porter (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2017), 107–132.
Persecution in the Early Church
Told by the Jesuit priest, Fr. Wilfrid Parson, these stories are based upon cases he had seen himself or that had been described to him personally by the people who had undergone the atrocities of those times.
In the Name of Heaven is a wide-ranging historical survey of religious persecution encompassing three millennia and a great diversity of cultures worldwide.