Stepparenting: Becoming a Stepparent: A Blended Family Guide To: Parenting, Raising Children, Family Relationships and Step Families

Stepparenting: Becoming a Stepparent: A Blended Family Guide To: Parenting, Raising Children, Family Relationships and Step Families
Mathew Massimo


HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED HOW TO BEST APPROACH YOUR NEW ROLE AS A STEPPARENT? HAVE YOU FOUND IT CHALLENGING TO GET ALONG WITH YOUR STEPCHILDREN? You are certainly not alone, and this book is here to help you. Starting a new family in which you have to integrate your life with that of your stepchildren can pose unique challenges that are not present in nuclear or biological families. Stepparents want nothing more than for things to work out with their new family, but sometimes, the issues that arise may just seem so overwhelming. Don't you wish that someone could hand you a list of all the things you should and shouldn't do to handle your new role better? Don't worry because this book has you covered. This book was written by parents who understand what you are going through, and they provide everything you need to know to make the integration process as easy for you, your spouse, and your stepchildren as possible. Here is what this book will teach you: Managing everyone's expectations in a blended family Knowing your role vis-à-vis your stepchildren's needs Facilitating adjustment Handling differences Establishing a family identity Strengthening your new family PLUS! Do's and don'ts of stepparenting BONUS CHAPTER: The 5 biggest mistakes stepparents make This book is the most comprehensive one you can read about becoming a successful stepparent. Knowing the information in this book and practicing all the tips and advice will surely get you on your way to establishing a solid and loving blended family. Do not delay, and start making a great difference in your family life! DOWNLOAD YOUR COPY TODAY!