Sex and Society: Studies in the Social Psychology of Sex

Sex and Society
William I. Thomas


"A grand difference between plant and animal life lies in the fact that the plant is concerned chiefly with storing energy, and the animal with consuming it. The plant by a very slow process converts lifeless into living matter, expending little energy and living at a profit. The animal is unable to change lifeless into living matter, but has developed organs of locomotion, ingestion, and digestion which enable it to prey upon the plant world and upon other animal forms; and in contrast with plant life it lives at a loss of energy. Expressed in biological formula, the habit of the plant is predominantly anabolic, that of the animal predominantly katabolic. "These facts are not conclusive, but they all point in the same direction, and are probably sufficient to establish a connection between food conditions and the determination of sex. But behind the mere fact that a different attitude toward food determines difference of sex lies the more fundamental-indeed, the real-explanation of the fact, and this chemists and physiologists are not at present able to give us. Researches must be carried farther on the effect of temperature, light, and water on variation, before we may hope to reach a positive conclusion. We can only assume that the chemical constitution of the organism at a given moment conditions the sex of the offspring, and is itself conditioned by various factors-light, heat, water, electricity, etc.-and that food is one of these variables. 15 It is sufficient for our present purpose that sex is a constitutional matter, indirectly dependent upon food conditions; that the female is the result of a surplus of nutrition; and that the relation reported among the lower forms persists in the human species." -William Isaac Thomas TABLE OF CONTENTS ORGANIC DIFFERENCES IN THE SEXES SEX AND PRIMITIVE SOCIAL CONTROL SEX AND SOCIAL FEELING SEX AND PRIMITIVE INDUSTRY SEX AND PRIMITIVE MORALITY THE PSYCHOLOGY OF EXOGAMY THE PSYCHOLOGY OF MODESTY AND CLOTHING THE ADVENTITIOUS CHARACTER OF WOMAN THE MIND OF WOMAN AND THE LOWER RACES

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