If you think a cookbook memoir is boring and predictable...Think again. Beyond The City Limits is a mythical place where Betty Crocker Meets Erma Bombeck. Thoughtful, irreverent and occasionally hysterical this book combines fabulous recipes with humorous stories, amusing anecdotes and inspirational cooking tips. It's rollicking good fun. Take a step back to the great Mid-West a half century ago. Return to mom's kitchen one last time. Relive decades with old memories of nightly meals...some of the most boring, predictable menu choices ever plated. Compare these choices with the endless options we have today. Discover the magic of Renaissance Meals! Learn the secret to a perfect steak, omelet or sauce. This book appeals to anyone: Who collects cookbooks Who loves to cook Who hates to cook Who takes perverse pleasures in the screw-ups of others And to the legions of baby boomers who grew up in their mother's kitchens and share the memories the author cherishes. Remembering the way it was.