Manifest Your Dreams: The Secret to Manifest the Love, Money, and Success You Desire in Your Life

Manifest Your Dreams: The Secret to Manifest the Love, Money, and Success You Desire in Your Life
A. W. O'Connor


What is it you really want from your life? What do you truly desire? The list might be long or short...more money, financial security, a dream home, the perfect job, true love, peace, happiness, spiritual growth... Life is full of wants and desires. Have you ever wondered why it seems some people get all the luck while you appear to get all the struggle? Good news - whatever it is you desire, you can have! And you can start having it NOW. What is happening (or not happening) in your life has nothing to do with "luck." It is completely within your own control to have what your heart desires. The Universe is standing ready to grant you your every wish once you learn how to define your deepest desires and put the truths of your desires into motion with a focused conscious effort to manifest. In his latest book, Manifest Your Dreams, author and spiritual intuitive A.W. O'Connor explains the spiritual truths and methods to put the Universal Law of Attraction and Manifestation principals into full motion for your greatest good right now. He clearly leads you through what you may have once thought impossible and declares that everything is within your grasp, once you learn how to focus your intentions and avoid the distractions. O'Connor gives you techniques that are simple to understand and master, including a number of exercises and worksheets to help you build your manifesting skills. A.W. O'Connor removes the mystery and myths behind Manifestation teachings and shows you what really works based on his years of experience, study and practice. Learn how to avoid the distractions and negativity that can stop you from achieving your desires. Find out why readers are already claiming that Manifest Your Dreams has changed their lives once they learned how easy it was to manifest the life they desire. Tags: Manifestation, Law of Attraction, Manifest, Manifest Your Dreams, Dreams, Abundance, Money

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