Cost Accounting for Managerial Planning, Decision Making and Control

Cost Accounting for Managerial Planning, Decision Making and Control
Woody Liao


Cost Accounting for Managerial Planning, Decision Making and Control emphasizes the analysis and evaluation of cost accounting information for managerial planning, control, and decision-making. Our goal is to help students (future managers) understand how cost accounting information adds value to an organization in a highly competitive business environment. The philosophy underlying the development of this book is that providing cost accounting information is primarily a logical process, rather than a procedural one. It is most important that students first understand the basic concepts and objectives, and then gain some experience in applying these concepts in different environments. Through this approach, students will be better equipped to deal with the unforeseen situations they will encounter in professional practice or on professional examinations. This philosophy is evident in each chapter, as basic concepts are presented and then illustrated with examples and a wide variety of homework problems. This text is intended for use in undergraduate and graduate courses in cost accounting at both the basic and advanced levels. It provides a complete and concise coverage of topics commonly included in a basic course, with an in-depth coverage of selected topics more appropriate for an advanced course in cost accounting. Modular coverage of these topics permits the instructor to adapt the text to his or her own preferences for course content. Plus, an extremely clear writing style contributes to the ease with which students will comprehend the contents of each chapter. By emphasizing the differing uses for cost accounting information, our intent is to make the student an intelligent provider, user, and interpreter of this information.

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