People Dreams

People Dreams
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Kerry Dean


Beauty by Design... a chance for you to share in the design and evolution of beautiful faces, forms and fun! Drawn from life by noted artist Karridine, these pen-and-ink drawings give you a solid place to see where the human form IS and where the human ISN'T, which is as important as where it is. Remember the tale about simply getting a block of granite and cutting away everything that doesn't look like an elephant? Well, much of that has been done for you here, leaving some beauteous line-drawings that YOU can fill in with shadows, highlights, cheekbones, nares, dimples and more... More of the little lines and curves that make a face or form or figure SPECIAL... Your chance here to feel for yourself the special healing that comes with fleshing out an outline, a sketch, a figure, a caricature or a portrait... each with your own personal insights, skills and color combinations! Sip deeply of the joy and reward waiting for you here in People Dreams #5: Every Face a Story... each page's drawing gives you a few notes on the person who inspired the drawing, and lets you sample, like hors d'oevres, the life stories of people around the globe, brought into your life in these striking pen-and-ink creations from the designer's eye and artist's hand of Karridine. If you've ever wanted to draw 'real people' instead of stick people or cartoons, this is your chance to color with the best. Karridine includes enough anatomical accuracy and details to show you where the parts and pieces of the face, head or body are, but leaves space for YOU to develop the connections and the whole. The whole People Dreams series of coloring books has drawings like this, but they're grouped into interesting clubs, like the TV's and TS's and Trannies of one group; the Movie Stars (and Extras) of another People Dreams volume; the elegant beauty designed into THESE drawings; the horrors of war in Cleanup Crew, or the collected caricatures (Kerricatures?) of this master artist, so if you like this People Dreams, be sure to get a few more and some for your friends! And please remember to come back and leave a glowing Review when you have a few drawings colored in... we really appreciate your sharing the goodness here!