Power of Thinking Big

Power of Thinking Big
Thomas Abreu


Success is measured not by the size of your brain, but rather by the size of your thinking. This intrigues a lot of people, and if you observe how people behave, you will have a clear understanding of what success really means. Time and time again, history and experience have proved that the degree of our general satisfaction and happiness is dependent on how we think. There is magic in thinking big! Positive thinking helps accomplish so much in our life, but unfortunately not everyone thinks that way. We are all products of our thinking that goes within and around us. There is an environment around us that exerts all sorts of forces on your thinking; some will push you up the ladder while others will pull you down. We have been told many times that opportunities to lead are no longer there; hence we should be content with who we are without having positive aspirations on leadership. The petty environment surrounding us also has its own narrative concerning our lives. It constantly tells us that whatever is destined will eventually happen and we have no control over it. Leaving your fate in the hands of chance can potentially ruin your life and make you miserable. Therefore, before you start giving up your dreams of a finer home or giving a better life for your children, stand firm and resist resigning to fate. Do not lie down and wait to die. Success is worth every effort you expend, and every step you make pays a dividend. Even in an environment where competition is intense, you still can succeed as long as your thinking is in the positive quadrant of your mind frame. The basic concepts and principles that underlie the power of thinking big are drawn from the highest-pedigree sources and the finest thinking minds such as Emerson who said "Great men are those who see that thoughts rule the world." Milton who wrote in his book Paradise Lost, "The mind is its own place and in itself can make a heaven of hell or a hell of heaven." Shakespeare made an interesting observation about thinking which he summarized and said "There is nothing either good or bad except that thinking makes it so." Proof is everywhere that thinking big indeed works. When you look at the lives of people who you consider as big thinkers, you will be amazed at their winning success, happiness and achievements. This book will show you proven strategies from different life situations that will turn your life around.

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