The ancient order of the web spinners is changing. An old friend returns brandishing a curious silver knife, and Stewart Zanderson is drawn into a strange world of wonder and deceit. The ensuing bloody scene sets Detective Clementine Figgins on his tail, and into a case she could never explain. But the boy, escaped from the dreaded warehouse, now has the knife. And running from his captors through the canyons of San Diego with his new friends and special dog, he ties everything together. People fight. Some die.The ancient order will change, but who will rise when the dust settles? Enter the world of the webspinners. Where everything is connected and nothing is what it seems. San Diego's own two fisted, hard boiled urban fantasy!Magic! Murder! Mayhem! Ancient alchemy and shamanic sorcery combine with gritty police drama. Set in the streets and canyons of Golden Hill, San Diego.