What does it mean to SERVE? Are we supposed to serve God? What about our spouse and family? Are we expected to serve our customers or client base? Well, the answer to all of these questions is yes, of course!However, SERVE is an acronym for the purpose, of this book, and serves as a personal life motto. SERVE stands for Seek Excellence Respect Value Every day! Imagine a world where we all SERVE - where we all truly seek excellence, respect and value daily! How much richer would our lives be and all of humanity?Serving Yourself to Greatness "A Book of Affirmations" will help you take your life to higher heights than ever before. Are you ready for greater? If yes, then it is time that you SERVE and teach those around you how to SERVE.As a true Servant Leader, these 30 day affirmations can provide a solid foundation on which you begin to transform your mind, thoughts and eventually your life and the lives of those who you aspire to SERVE.May you be blessed as you read, share and SERVE!