Wherever you are on the path to legal nurse consulting career, you will benefit from these inspiring stories from successful LNCs. Patricia Iyer, an experienced legal nurse consultant, tapped the expertise of colleagues to bring you wit, wisdom, and lessons learned. These accounts, written by 42 legal nurse consultants who are independents, expert witnesses and in-house consultants, are chock full of advice, encouragement, and humor. In this second edition, a new group of authors was recruited to add their stories. The original authors also were given an opportunity to update their chapters. Just about everyone did. When do you embrace your identity as a legal nurse consultant? What is the tipping point? This edition contains even more insights about the transition to legal nurse consultant. In addition to expanding the answers to "You know you are a legal nurse consultant when. . .," Patricia Iyer asked for responses to the sentence, "If I could do it all over..." You'll be surprised by some of the insights LNCs shared. A number said they would not do anything different, but others had poignant comments fueled by hindsight. This is a new chapter in this edition. Be inspired by these legal nurse consulting stories; laugh and learn from them and go out and conquer your world.