This book is about a quest for faith. Faith seems to be something most people believe you either have or you don't-you don't search for it, hoping to find it. Yet, how can you have it automatically? Are you born with it, or have you been conditioned to believe that you have it. Maybe your parents started you in Sunday School at a very early age, and you were "confirmed" and graduated to church and perhaps adult Sunday School. Perhaps you have gone to church for a number of years, and you have heard the same propositions of the Christian faith uttered so many times that you think there is no other way to believe. Does God exist? This is the most basic of questions. Is there evidence of God's existence. Is it more than just wonder at the Universe and writings of the Bible? I look at some strong circumstantial evidence in this regard. Those who have faith presumably believe unquestionably not only in the divinity of Jesus, but also in the elements of dogma associated with him in the New Testament-the virgin birth, the bodily resurrection, Jesus' death as a ransom for our sins, the ascension, original sin, the Immaculate Conception, atonement, and redemption. Must one believe in all of these ideas in order to have faith? Or can you believe in some of them and not in others. And, what if you don't believe in any of them, but somehow acknowledge the divinity of Jesus? Can you count yourself as a believer, one who has faith? In this book I attempt to examine these elements of Christianity and to decide whether they make sense or not. And, if they don't make sense, what import this decision may have for Christian belief. Also, what about churches and organized religion? Is religion necessary to be spiritually at one with God? And do churches turn people away from Christianity because they may not follow Jesus' teaching to "love thy neighbor as thyself?" These questions and others are addressed in this book.