There are many roads to success. Whether you are graduating high school or are an adult seeking secondary education you may not have realized just how many options you have to advance your education and gain the skills and friendships needed to reach your goals. We've all heard success stories from individuals who found financial freedom and happiness. But what those stories tend to gloss over is the HOW. All these people had grit and determination sure, but what really allowed them to apply that tenacity was the education and help they received along the way. Education and help, it turns out, that is available to all of us. Education Beyond High School provides an overview of many of the most common, though often over looked, choices others have taken as well as providing quotes from men and women who have immersed themselves in each choice and found personal success. People like Warren Buffett to Danny Bae, Theodore Roosevelt to Oprah Winfrey. Readers can see the personal opinions from real people alongside learning about both full time and part time classes and courses in a wide array of fields. From College to Volunteering, Mentorships to M.O.O.C's, Education Beyond High School will clarify each option and present the most common pros and cons of each choice, such as cost and time commitment, to allow you to make an informed decision. Where you get your education will influence the course your life will take, from the jobs you are qualified for to the people you will live and work with, so make sure to do your research before you make your decision!