WHAT IS WORD 2007?Whether you're a student, a teacher, a writer, a pastor or you just want to boost your typing skills, you need a word processor like Microsoft Word or OpenOffice. This book, Microsoft Word 2007 is here to assist you with typing. The book explores all the features of Office Word 2007 and helps you learn by doing. In Microsoft Word 2007 you will: Define what Microsoft Office Word is and learn what it's used for. Explore all the taps and their tabs groups and learn their importance: how to use them. Learn those common shortcut keyboard combinations to help you work faster. Explore basic important academic writing tips for academic papers. Learn tips and tricks on how to upgrade your knowledge to the latest Word versions. Written by a layman in computers, this book promises to be simple, yet professional in the way. It is great for those who are using the Microsoft Office Suits, such as Office 2007, 2013 and/ or the latest editions. It's very helpful to those using Google Docs as well, because the same features found in both tools are discussed in this book, step-by-step.
Experience learning made easy—and quickly teach yourself how to create impressive documents with Word 2007.
Straight To The Point - Word 2007
IfWord identifies the file as a word processing document, the file will open in Word. If it doesn't, it will open a File ... products released in the FY2007 timeframe have helped to increase revenue by an average of 24% in all regions.
I decided to write an easy to understand book on how to use the Microsoft Office Word 2007. This book has easy to follow step by step directions on how to use word 2007.
THE ONLY WORD 2007 BOOK YOU NEED This book will help you build solid skills to create the documents you need right now, and expert-level guidance for leveraging Word’s most advanced features whenever you need them.
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Master the tools to expertly organize, edit, and present your content Craft polished documents by using Building Blocks, Themes, and Quick Style Sets Add visual impact with SmartArt diagrams, charts, pictures, and drawings Create tables of ...
This book will help the reader in understanding the core Microsoft Office applications in detail, such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Access.
Microsoft Word 2007 provides various graphical tools in its interface that helps the user to make the document attractive and appealing . For example , smart art , clip art , and so on . As a result of these graphical tools , you can ...
Microsoft’s Word 2007 rewrites the book on word processing and this book helps you soar over the hurdles and quickly brings you up to speed.