The American Presidency...a Country Divided: A Story of American Politics and the Electoral College

The American Presidency...a Country Divided: A Story of American Politics and the Electoral College
Political Science
Carl a. Welliver


If you're one of those people who are trying to make heads or tails out of the Electoral College, if you want to know the strategies of electing the President of the United States, or if you are simply hoping to grasp a better understanding of the necessity of the Electoral College. Then this book is the answer. We will study the history of politics in America and the role that the Founding Fathers played and how they leveled the playing field of the Presidential voting. You are about to have those daunting questions answered. We will discuss in painstaking detail how we elect our President and why the system is better than any other system anywhere else in the world right now! This new Book - "The American Presidency...A Country Divided" - gives you the answers to the important questions and challenges that every American faces when they are debating the legitimacy of their own vote. Your vote does in fact count, every vote counts. So let's take a look at: -Making heads or tails out of the Electoral College. -Why in our system we NEED the Electoral College to make every vote count? -Is the election process really fair? -How can a candidate possibly win the popular vote and lose the general election? -How many times has the Electoral College cost a candidate the election that had actually won the popular vote? -And so much more. So, in this book "The American Presidency...A Country Divided" you will find all the facts explained in simple to understand terms exactly how the election of the President of the United States takes place. Why our system is in fact the best system in the free world to guarantee that each state has an equal vote through the use of the Electoral College, and why changes to the system would be a big mistake. You need to grab a copy of "The American Presideny...A Country Divided" right now, because electing the president of the United States is not a task to be taken lightly.

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