Former elite military intelligence police officer Jock Scratcher lives the life of a drifter, traveling from town to town, staring danger right in the face, and then head-butting it. And kicking it in the groin. And drinking plenty of cups of coffee and bacon. But now, a sinister plot has forced Scratcher to give up his itinerant life in exchange for a nine-to-five office job and a three-bedroom house in the suburbs. It's pure hell for a man of action. Even worse: Scratcher is on a collision course with the Melee Child, a three month-old baby who happens to be Eastern Europe's deadliest assassin, leaving a trail of dead bodies and dirty diapers in his wake.Also, Russians hacked the presidential election. That's a totally real thing that actually happened.Melee Child is an intense thriller with danger at every turn. Before it reaches its senses-shattering conclusion, Scratcher will race against time to uncover the most startling truth that will have him questioning just who he can trust--and who he can romance."If you've got an itch for thrills, Jock Scratcher is the only one who can scratch it!"-Gelid Sebborhea"By the time you reach the end of this relentless book, you'll feel as battered and bruised as one of Scratcher's many beating victims."-Notes From Under the Floorboard"Crime writers try to grab your attention from the opening paragraph, but Ricky Sprague gets your attention with a dynamic opening word--'She'd.'"-Arsole Fant�me Blog"This is less a book than a kick to the crotch. Read it accordingly."-Project Child Murdering Robot