The capital City is the area of a country, province, region, or state regarded as enjoying primary status and it is generally recognized as a city which physically encompasses the offices and meeting places of the seat of government, or which is fixed by law or by the constitution.In some jurisdictions, including several countries, the different branches of government are located in different settlements. In some cases, a distinction is made between the official (constitutional) capital and the seat of government, which is in another place.Capital cities are also the prime economic, cultural, or intellectual center of a nation or an empire is sometimes referred to as a primate city. Examples include Athens, Beijing, Brussels, Buenos Aires, Cairo, London, Mexico City, Paris, Stockholm, Tokyo, and Warsaw.Although many capitals are defined by constitution or legislation, many long-time capitals have no legal designation as such: for example Bern, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London, Paris, and Wellington. They are recognized as capitals as a matter of convention, and because all or almost all the country's central political institutions, such as government departments, supreme court, legislature, embassies, etc., are located in or near them.