In Overcoming OCD and Finding Myself, Eesa Khan gives a detailed explanation on how his OCD developed and affected his childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. The book also details the various therapies he undertook, as well as his own personal research that led to finding a cure for this mind-numbing disorder. Knowledge and understanding of OCD is a good starting point in the treatment of this often-misunderstood disorder. The last thing a sufferer of this anxiety disorder should do is forcefully try to stop the intrusive thoughts, as that would only fuel the anxiety, yet most sufferers do exactly that. Many parents need to realise that their children have very little control over their OCD. If you focus too much on the OCD, it may get worse. In most cases, it's not helpful to encourage your child to try to stop the compulsions. Your child may be able hold back the rituals for a short while, but eventually they will come out. If I were to tell you to use your will power to not think of a red apple, you would find that quite difficult! It's the same with this type of anxiety disorder. The book shows how the author developed the OCD to make sense of the world that he did not understand and after over twenty years of living with this disorder, how his dream of becoming normal became a reality.