LexisNexis Practice Guide: New Jersey Collateral Consequences
"The guide is the first comprehensive survey of U.S. laws and practices that offers a way to overcome or mitigate the collateral legal consequences of a criminal conviction.
This volume seeks to ensure that the parties involved in a criminal case can identify and understand the full range of disabilities and disqualifications that accompany conviction.
The consequences of digital punishment, as described in hundreds of interviews detailed in this book, lead people to purposefully opt out of society as they cope with privacy and due process violations"--
This work is an exploratory examination of the experiences, motivations, and coping mechanisms of women who are involved in intimate relationships with registered sexual offenders.
This book looks at the consequences of these policies twenty years later.
King v. General Information Services, Inc., C.A. No. 10-6850, Class Action Complaint (E.D. Pa.) (filed February 14, 2011) ... Joel F. Handler, The Juvenile Court and the Adversary System: Problems of Function and Form, 1965 Wis. L. Rev.
Today's convicted sex offenders living in the community face a number of serious barriers to reintegration as a result of ... The social consequences of these policies are exacerbated by residency restriction laws that push offenders ...
LexisNexis Editorial Staff. Of Special Interest to Attorneys in New Jersey Colorbooks New Jersey Civil Practice Laws ... Collateral Consequences LexisNexis Practice Guide: New Jersey Commercial Litigation LexisNexis Practice Guide: New ...
Shover, Neal. 1996. Great Pretenders: Pursuits and Careers of Persistent Thieves. Boulder, CO:Westview Press. Silva, Jennifer M. 2012.“Constructing Adulthood inanAgeof Uncertainty.” American Sociological Review 77 (4): 505–522.