LexisNexis Practice Guide: New Jersey Commercial Litigation

LexisNexis Practice Guide: New Jersey Commercial Litigation
LexisNexis Practice Guide
Todd M. Sahner, Mark M. Tallmadge, William C. Bochet


​The LexisNexis Practice Guide New Jersey Commercial Litigation is a practical, task-oriented guidebook to the various topics in commercial litigation. It clearly explains how to analyze, resolve, and/or litigate the issues that can arise at every stage of a commercial dispute, from the basic corporate structures to complex questions of law, evidentiary matters, procedure, and strategy. Comprehensive coverage includes Liability of Corporate Directors and Officers; Restrictive Covenants; Business Fraud, Consumer Fraud, and Fraudulent Transfers; Unfair Competition; and Trade Secrets. LexisNexis Practice Guide New Jersey Commercial Litigation includes over two dozen task-oriented checklists, almost two hundred strategic points, warnings, and timing tips to prevent practice missteps, and targeted cross-references to specific state and federal legislation and sources detailing the features of topics such as corporate governance, franchise litigation and lender liability.

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