Understanding new educational innovations is essential for the improvement of the training and learning process. In order to effectively implement these new tools in the classroom, teachers and trainers need access to real-life cases in which these methods were successfully used. Innovative Trends in Flipped Teaching and Adaptive Learning is a critical scholarly resource that examines current advances in educational innovation and presents cases that allow for the improvement of personalized and active learning. Featuring a wide range of topics such as higher education, teacher education, and learning strategies, this book is ideal for educators, instructional designers, academicians, researchers, and students.
While highlighting topics that include computational thinking, knowledge management, artificial intelligence, and visualization, this book is essential for academicians, researchers, and students with an interest in information management.
PEDAGOGICAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR ALL LEARNERS OF DIGITAL LITERACY As we look to the research reported in this chapter, ... Strong pedagogical content knowledge supports educators to make decisions about the types of digital texts they ...
Ishikawa, Y., Kondo, M., Smith, C.: Design and implementation issues of interoperable educational application: an ICT application for primary school English education in Japan. ... Developing and Utilizing E-Learning Applications, pp.
In addition, the STEM subjects provide a natural setting for CT instruction (Grover & Pea, 2018) and CT was acknowledged as a core scientific practice by the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS Lead States, 2013).
... Information Technology Trends for a Global and Interdisciplinary Research Community , pp . 1–18 . IGI Global , Hershey , PA , USA ( 2021 ) 4. Aristovnik , A. , Keržič , D. , Ravšelj , D. , Tomaževič , N. , Umek , L .: Impacts of the ...
... the role of facilitator and guides the learners through their own discovery, contributions, and ideas (Mitchell, 2006). ... or any other of the various both models of the Socratic Method used over the years, the learning experience ...
Bob Adamson and Li Siu Pang Titus, 'Primary and Secondary Schooling'. In Education and Society in Hong Kong and Macau: Comparative Perspectives on Continuity and Change, edited by Mark Bray and Ramsey Koo (Second edition.
... teaching has fallen short, say MPs, Times Higher Education. https://www.timeshighereducation.com/news/refund ... innovative trends in flipped teaching and adaptive learning. In: Sein-Echaluce M, Fidalgo-Blanco A, García-Peñalvo F ...
Featuring an array of topics such as course transformation, digital retooling, technology trial and error, student engagement, and pedagogy, this book is ideal for university faculty, university administration, curriculum designers, ...
The two-volume set IFIP AICT 591 and 592 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the International IFIP WG 5.7 Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems, APMS 2020, held in Novi Sad, Serbia, in August/September 2020.