This Salem Prequel Set Before The Coming Events Of Doctor Who: The Day Of The Doctor. Donna suddenly receives an incoming distress call from Mexico in 2026AD. Further Investigating. Donna & her own team arrive inside an laboratory located in Mexico in the year 2026AD. Project Honey Bee then becomes seriously overshadowed when an alien race called the Beevian then invade to take over the lab in question. Henceforth stealing and then taking control of the world's own honey bee population. During the course of confronting the Beevian. Donna is then visited by the well known timelord the Doctor (11th Doctor) Matt Smith & Clara. As then both the Doctor & Donna then finally join forces to defeat the evil masterplan of the Beevian. But hiding deep within the dark shadows. Yet another threat is then set to comeback to haunt both the Doctor & Donna. An deadly menacing threat dating right back to the Last Great Time War. These strange events will then pre-determined the final outcome of the future event namely the Day Of The Doctor future event. Will the Doctor and Salem manage to defeat the Beevian and then henceforth restore the world's honey bees back to Planet Earth