This is exactly what Karen and Henry Kimsey-House provide in this groundbreaking book. Co-Active Leadership is a deeply collaborative approach, which is why the first of its five dimensions is leading from within: self-leadership.
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In this visionary book, Karen and Henry Kimsey-House provide a model that harnesses the possibility of many rather than relying on the power of one.
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Diamond found compelling evidence that our huntergatherer ancestors were overall taller, healthier, and had longer lifespans than their farming heirs (skeletal records from hunter-gatherers of the Mediterranean show that the average ...
Moss doesn't grow on a rolling stone. What's the amount of moss surrounding your business these days? How much action have you been taking in the last few months? What action has been showing measurable results? Are you keeping track?
In The Stake, a step-by-step account of how these leaders are created, the founder of an international leadership training program has teamed up with an award-winning mystery writer.
Lawrence, I. S., and I. Crocker. “Academic Contingencies of SelfWorth Impair Positively- and Negatively-Stereotyped Students' Performance in Performance-Goal Settings.” Iournal of Research in Personality 43 (2009): 868—74.
The book that changed the field of professional coaching forever. The wait is over! This is the new 4th edition of the cultural and business phenomenon that helped launch the professional practice of coaching!
In Energy Leadership, renowned coach Bruce D. Schneider teaches how to understand the most important personal resource of all -- energy, and shows how to harness it to achieve success in the workplace, the home, and in the world at large.