This synthesis documents the performance tests used in conjunction with volumetric properties for mixtures. Performance tests are intended to extend service life by guiding material selection (i.e., asphalt binder and aggregate) and proportions (i.e., asphalt content and gradations). The synthesis provides examples of engineering tools used in the development and implementation of performance specifications for asphalt mixtures, examples of the contents of performance-based specifications (PBS) currently used or in development, information on test program implementation and research efforts related to PBS for asphalt mixtures, and the reported benefits and challenges with implementing PBS. Information for this report was acquired through a literature search, a survey of the use of performance specifications for asphalt mixtures, and seven case examples from six state departments of transportation, and the city of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
The approach suggested by Ghuzlan and Carpenter (34) considers that only a portion of the dissipated energy is ... RDECa = the average ratio of dissipated energy change at cycle a, comparing to next cycle b; a, b = load cycle a and ...
COOPERATIVE RESEARCH PROGRAMS CRP STAFF FOR NCHRP REPORT 567 Robert J. Reilly, Director, Cooperative Research ... TRB Liaison NCHRP PROJECT 9-31 PANEL Field of Materials and Construction—Area of Bituminous Materials Julie E. Nodes, ...
Superpave Mix Design
Conclusions from Literature Search In North America, HMA construction is governed by agency specifications in which placement ... In such cases, contractors are only interested in on-site, real-time quality assurance and guidance.
This volume gathers the latest advances, innovations, and applications in the field of asphalt pavement technology, as presented by leading international researchers and engineers at the 5th International Symposium on Asphalt Pavements & ...
The NCHRP Project 9-29 interlaboratory study produced precision statements for (1) dynamic modulus and phase angle, ... It is proposed that the air void tolerances in these provisional standards be changed to ±1.0% to be consistent with ...
Part 1: Summary of research results; Part 2: Mixture design method, construction guidelines, and quality control/quality assurance procedures
... evaluate the effect of various laboratory STOA protocols for HMA and WMA in order to achieve equivalent binder aging and absorption that occur during production and construction in the field and ( 2 ) to evaluate the perfor- mance of ...
But now, this all-in-one desk reference for asphalt highlights the latest technology. -- Foreward.
This updated manual provides practical information on methods, equipment, and terminology applying to the use of asphalt in maintenance of all types of pavement structures.