This book provides a rigorous treatment of the fundamental concepts and techniques involved in process modeling and simulation. The book allows the reader to: (i) Get a solid grasp of "under-the-hood" mathematical results (ii) Develop models of sophisticated processes (iii) Transform models to different geometries and domains as appropriate (iv) Utilize various model simplification techniques (v) Learn simple and effective computational methods for model simulation (vi) Intensify the effectiveness of their research Modeling and Simulation for Chemical Engineers: Theory and Practice begins with an introduction to the terminology of process modeling and simulation. Chapters 2 and 3 cover fundamental and constitutive relations, while Chapter 4 on model formulation builds on these relations. Chapters 5 and 6 introduce the advanced techniques of model transformation and simplification. Chapter 7 deals with model simulation, and the final chapter reviews important mathematical concepts. Presented in a methodical, systematic way, this book is suitable as a self-study guide or as a graduate reference, and includes examples, schematics and diagrams to enrich understanding. End of chapter problems (with solutions and computer software available online) are designed to further stimulate readers to apply the newly-learned concepts. End of chapter problems (with solutions and computer software available online) are designed to further stimulate readers to apply the newly learned concepts.
Solution Manual for Analysis, Synthesis, and Design of Chemical Processes
The new edition of this title is available in Connect with SmartBook, including End of Chapter content. Instructor Resources include: Instructor Solutions Manual, Textbook Images, and Sample Syllabi.
This book is a detailed guidebook to defending against these, and many other, hazards. It could without exaggeration be referred to as the "bible" for the process industries.
This semester-long, problem-based learning activity is intended to be a student-based independent study, with about two-hour support provided once a week by a student teaching assistant to answer any questions.Chapter 1 of this HYSYS manual ...
Together, they developed this series, which provides consistent curriculum content and exit competencies for process technology graduates to ensure a knowledgeable and competent staff that is ready to take over the demands of the field.
Course Text for 52: 151, Engineering Flow and Heat Exchange
Through three previous editions, this book has established itself as the leading resource for students seeking to apply what they've learned in real-world, open-ended process problems.
This best-selling book prepares readers to formulate and solve material and energy balances in chemical process systems. It provides a realistic, informative, and positive introduction to the practice of chemical engineering.