BREAK ROCK! Making Stone Arrowheads For Fun & Challenge. 36 Projectile Points You Can Make Which Span 2,000 Years Of History These stone arrowheads were truly the "pointy end" of the stick when it came to hunting weapons used by the native peoples of North America before Columbus and the Europeans introduced them to iron and other metals. When you learn to "knap flint" ... to make arrowheads from stone as it has been done over the millennia of human history ... these 36 projectile points represent some of the finest examples of stone age craftsmanship and inventiveness. It takes patience and practice to make them. And it can be a very satisfying experience to produce an arrow point from stone ... first imagining it is your mind when you pick up a piece of rock ... then going through the steps to break the rock and form the hunting weapon you have imagined. Holding it in your hand gives you a connection to all the ancient peoples who have gone before us. And it gives you a connection to the natural world which we so often are missing in this age of computers and virtual reality. This is truly reality. A stone. Shaped by you to approximate the idea you had in mind. Sometimes you will break the point before it is finished. Then you simply start again. The stone is not the master. You are. And, so you try again. Shaping the stone to your will. Here, in this book, are 36 different ancient arrowhead styles which you can reproduce today. These are the patterns to study. Guides to watch. Goals to pursue. You can work on making your own arrow points to follow the pattern. Then, after you try as many as you want, all or some, you may want to create your own style and work on refining your own ideas and methods. That is the beauty of flint knapping. Once you learn the processes, you have the skills and tools to create your own art in stone. Good luck, and good knapping. 104 pages. Full color photographs and instructions. 36 different projectile points originally created for use as arrowheads by North American cultural groups all across the continent.