Anunnaki Religions, and Why You Believe What You Believe.: Who, What, When, Where, How and Why You Came to Be

Anunnaki Religions, and Why You Believe What You Believe.: Who, What, When, Where, How and Why You Came to Be
Xlibris Corporation
Dr. James Krieger D.D.


The word anunnaki means princely offspring (John 14:30) whom we call the devil or Satan, whose real name is Yaldabaoth. Dark or fallen angels or spirits really (Eph. 6:12) come to us in many ways, shapes, and forms (Hebrews 13:2). The book of the Babylonia, called Igigu, explains Rev. 13:1. The three ungodly spirits are Yaldabaoth, Sakla, Sammuel, and their seven authorities created this lower world and all of humanity out of his kingdom of the second heaven called outer darkness. Truth can only come from God. The fullness is called Jesus, the Word of God, the Comforter (John 14, 15, 16, 17). When you are born again in Gods way, this is Gods anointing (1 John 2:27). Let no man teach you because (all) every man is a liar, ignorant of Gods Word (Romans 3:4), as Jesus said in John 10:1. These books of all religions are called heresy because your religions and denominations want to keep you in darkness, bonds, and slavery by servitude through tithes. This is what Jesus said in Matt 11:2530. He, Jesus, will break these bonds and make you free of man. Religion theology and church doctrine (John 10:1, John 14:6, John 17:17, and Eph. 5:26) will make you (John 8:2836). This book and the six other teaching guide books that I have written are only knowledge (data) call statements of menno truth. My seven books are taken from the same books that the bishops of Rome used to put the Bible together. Daniel 12:4 means the latter rain or the age of information. Question is, what do Acts 17:11 and 2 Timothy 2:15, written in AD 60, mean to you? It does not mean the Bible.

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