In Romans 10:9, once youve confessed with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you are saved. And its amazing to know that youre sealed as a child of God forever, but its not over. Were just like the disciples of Jesus. He had to take them on a journey of growth on so many levels, but most importantly, He had to grow them spiritually. Their journey was packed with many highs and lows, but at the end, theres a living hope in Jesus Christ. Im on the same journey with life being packed with highs and lows. In the meantime, Im still on the right path, being conformed to the image of Christ.
He has taken an early retirement by selling his company to a conglomerate. Cia looks forward to returning to Chicago and her store; however, Robin eagerly anticipates what he will do with the second wind of his life.
Book Overview Coming Soon
Along the way he rediscovers many of the beliefs that were once essential to him, and finds once more the possibility of wonder. Song of the Second Wind is the story of one man's journey to a new understanding.
This book uses both oral and conventional historical methods to describe and analyze the history of lung transplantation in the U.S. While drawing on accounts from doctors and other specialists, it primarily focuses on the experiences of ...
Second Wind: The Rise of the Ageless Athlete is an absorbing account of a growing subculture of Americans who are challenging the notion of what it means to grow old. Visit the book's Web site at
Imagine a book that has: Domestic violence, child abuse, drug addicts, failed relationships, foster care, childhood rebellion, things that we call defeat.
And he's either running late for his own surprise party . . . or he's right on time. Second Wind, Kind of a Trippy Love Story holds a promise of magic, not the rabbits-in-hats stuff, but the kind that allows a peek through the veil.
Second Wind is the story of an unlikely athlete and an unlikely heroine: Cami Ostman, a woman edging toward midlife who decides to take on a challenge that stretches her way outside of her comfort zone.
"A new life phase is beginning to emerge within our society.
This book uses both oral and conventional historical methods to describe and analyze the history of lung transplantation in the US. While drawing on accounts from doctors and other specialists, it primarily focuses on the experiences of ...