A charming and exuberant nonfiction picture book about a young elephant's day on the savanna with her herd. If you were an elephant, you'd be the biggest animal who lives on the land. You'd have ears big as tent flaps, skin thick as blankets. You'd turn the next page with your trunk, not your hand. Chock-full of amazing facts, this joyful read aloud invites readers to follow in the (enormous) footsteps of one of the world's most remarkable creatures--from munching on bushes and branches all day, to splashing around in water holes and mud baths, to finally curling up with the herd in a pool of moonlight. Kids will love every moment of this playful introduction to the daily sights, sounds, and activities of a young elephant in the wild.
A young girl imagines what it would be like to have a tongue like a snapping turtle, feet like a fly, a tail like a lizard, or cheeks like a chipmunk, but is reassured in the knowledge that being herself has wonderful advantages.
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A little girl demonstrates how to take care of your elephant when he has the sniffles.
If you were an elephant what would you do? What could you do? Imagine.
When Gerald the elephant and Piggie realize that they are in a book, they decide to have some fun with the reader.
Would an elephant learn the ABCs if she went to school?
The author, a retired firefighter who became an insurance agent because he wanted to help protect people and their properties, explains different types of insurance coverage, why they're important, and how to discuss your insurance needs ...
A boy provides instructions as he searches high and low for an elephant, which the reader can find in the illustrations.
"When she suspects that her young neighbors are being abused by their father, one brave girl takes a stand to protect them"--
See if you can help the others find him--he's very good at hiding This tale of absurdity is perfect for sharing with children who will love finding Elephant (and being faster at it than the boy in the book ).