Introduction to the Hospitality Industry

Introduction to the Hospitality Industry
Lonnie Wright


Las Vegas, Nevada is the spirit of innovation and vision that continues to redefine the Hospitality Industry domestically and internationally. A fledgling hospitality Mecca, that evolved from a homogenous marketplace for exclusively white adults during the early Vintage years of Las Vegas, to a contemporary heterogeneous market, embracing domestic and international families. The origin of the hospitality industry together with the first legal gaming component operated throughout 30 s, 40 s 50 s and 60 s, with very little change in the workplace and marketplace to being the world s preeminent leader, acclaiming a diverse marketplace, served by a diverse workplace. Las Vegas, Nevada an authentic American pioneer city that evolved and flourished despite the micro and macro changes (encompassing societal and legal changes) that challenged the city founders and the concentration of creative hospitality industry owners, determined to create a hospitality experience and service that would render Las Vegas the number one hospitality venue the world has ever known. Las Vegas presents world class 5 star dining, great sound and visual entertainment, and a tradition of pleasing the guest through ambience and service. This text will share the uninhibited creative hospitality experience and how owners and managers lead the industry with the enthusiasm and pride of an entertainer wanting a curtain call for every single performance. "

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