Thriving, book two of Corinne Jeffery’s Understanding Ursula series, continues the story of the challenges of the intriguing and contentious Werners, a family of German Lutheran homesteaders on the Saskatchewan prairie. Become reacquainted with their dynamic lives as they try to keep pace with the flourishing new decade and later discover innovative ways to endure the hardships of the Great Depression. With the return of prosperity to the Canadian prairies, Gustav Werner resumes his insatiable quest to acquire more prime farmland. Still, no one is more surprised than he when his hand is forced and his future reshaped by increasing drama and secrets. He wonders why he is persistently entangled in compromising family relationships, and then tragedy, until he begins to doubt his faith. When Mother Nature, in which he has always found peace and solace, too becomes his enemy—sending drought, grasshoppers, hail, and fierce winds that lift the rich topsoil off his land—he starts to despair. Steadily, though, his sorrow and despondency give way to a deepening awareness of his inner strengths and a heightening of his resolve to push onward for all those who count on him.
Thrive Principles is a roadmap for anyone looking to build a thriving life by learning how to: Stop chasing happiness, and allow it to find you Discover deeper purpose and live it out Accept where you are, and then move forward Forgive ...
The national bestseller that offers prescriptions for an economic world turned upside down. A New York Times bestseller for eleven months.
In Thriving, the normally private López reveals the triumphs and trials of her life, sharing anecdotes of her childhood and her family while describing her journey through breast cancer; the sudden illness of her mother; her wedding, one ...
Consider these passages from George McNeill's popular collection of essays by labor leaders and reformers, The Labor Movement: The Problem of Today (1887), a work whose chief point was that reclaiming civilization required recognizing ...
He throws out a lot of ideas for things he'd like to change, but he has trouble narrowing his focus to just one thing. It takes a few minutes and a few hundred more metres ... keep going and work your way up to the landing at the top.
' I heartily recommend this book."--Jill Briscoe, author and minister, Elmbrook Church, Brookfield, Wisconsin "A book that encourages us to take a hard look at the gap between surviving and thriving.
This handy book helps teachers envision such a classroom. Surviving and Thriving provides practical tips that teachers can put into action before, during, and after the learning.
Written in a conversational and engaging style, this updated and expanded Third Edition of Thriving! helps future counselors and therapists to succeed in their training and professional development throughout their graduate careers.
From drift to engagement: Finding purpose and making career connections in the sophomore year. In L.A. Schreiner & J. Pattengale (Eds.), Visible solutions for invisible students: Helping sophomores succeed (Monograph No. 31, pp. 67-77).
Based on Harvey's bestselling From Striving to Thriving approach, the 27 writing strategies presented in From Striving to Thriving Writers are designed to improve and integrate writing across the curriculum.