The immense power the Catholic Church once wielded in Ireland has considerably diminished over the last fifty years. During the same period the Irish state has pursued new economic and social development goals by wooing foreign investors and throwing the state's lot in with an ever-widening European integration project. How a less powerful church and a more assertive state related to one another during the key third quarter of the twentieth century is the subject of this book. Drawing on newly available material, it looks at how social science, which had been a church monopoly, was taken over and bent to new purposes by politicians and civil servants. This case study casts new light on wider processes of change, and the story features a strong and somewhat surprising cast of characters ranging from Sean Lemass and T.K. Whitaker to Archbishop John Charles McQuaid and Father Denis Fahey.
How a less powerful church and a more assertive state related to one another during the key third quarter of the 20th century is the subject of this book.
This book examines how the balance of power between the Irish state and the Catholic Church has shifted since the middle of the twentieth century, through a case study of knowledge institutions engaged in social science teaching and ...
Abel-Smith, B. and Townsend, P. (1965) The poor and the poorest, London: Bell. Acheson, N., Harvey, B., Kearney, J. and Williamson, ... Arendt, H. (1958) The origins of totalitarianism (Second edition), New York: Meridian Books.
This volume explores the critical reactions and dissenting activism generated in the summer of 1968 when Pope Paul VI promulgated his much-anticipated and hugely divisive encyclical, Humanae Vitae, which banned the use of ‘artificial ...
The main portions of the work, however, apply to all countries. Hence the writer hopes that the book may prove useful even to non-Irish readers.
Conduct Unbecoming – A Memoir by Desmond O'Malley: The Story of One of Ireland's Most Extraordinary and Influential Politicians. Dublin: Gill and MacMillan. O'Malley, T. (2016). Gay Community Recalls Dark Days before Decriminalization.
Lee, J. J., 'Aspects of corporatist thought in Ireland: the Commission on Vocational Organisation 1939–43', in A. Cosgrave and D. McCartney (eds), Studies in Irish History Presented to R. Dudley Edwards (Dublin, 1974), pp. 324–46.
The minutes of the Antrim ministers ' meeting , 1654–8 , ed . Mark S. Sweetnam ( Dublin : Four Courts , 2012 ) . Mitchel , Patrick , Evangelicalism and national identity in Ulster 1921–1998 ( Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2003 ) .
... Studies , University College Galway . Common clothes and clothing 1860–1930 . Dublin : National Museum of Ireland . The state of social science research in Ireland . Dublin : Royal Irish Academy . ' Church , state and women : The ...
Arab - Israeli Conflict Conflit israélo - arabe 6004 L'accord Gaza - Jericho : incertitudes et promesses . ... Q. 4 : 3 Summer : 1993 pp.60 - 80 . 6006 Un an de négociations palestino - israéliennes , octobre 1991 — décembre 1992.