Understanding child development is essential to ensuring a full and rounded psychological grounding, but given the complex nature of the topic it can be a real challenge. Child Development: Concepts and Theories takes a step back to focus just on the key concepts of child development that all students must learn. With this book, their first encounters with theories and their applications will mean that they can move on with a firm foundation in child development. Central to this, is understanding how these theories or concepts are applied in the real world and how psychologists engage with them in research. This book gives clear and detailed examples to bring the subject to life. Each chapter features case studies that run throughout the chapter and develop as the students' own understanding does. Written for undergraduates, the book will become essential to any student wanting a key to unlock the world of child development. Jean Mercer is Professor Emerita of Psychology at Stockton University, New Jersey, and writes a blog, “Childmyths”, at http://childmyths.blogspot.com
As an aid to practitioners, this book matches developmental ages with appropriate, evidence-based mental health interventions.
Child Development
This innovative text engages students by demonstrating the wide range of real-world applications of psychological research to child development.
Chronologically organized, Child Development from Infancy to Adolescence, Third Edition introduces topics within the field of child development through unique and engaging Active Learning opportunities.
Adolescence During adolescence, further myelination and synaptic pruning occur in the prefrontal cortex, the area primarily responsible for executive function (Griffin, 2017; Petanjek et al., 2011). A longitudinal study of Dutch ...
Child Development and Personality
After reading this book, parents and teachers will be empowered and informed when making decisions about how best to educate children.
This collection illustrates how applying an intersectional lens to developmental science can yield unique insights into the challenges confronting, and assets buoying, both minority and majority children’s healthy development.
Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 17, 222–228. Thompson, L. A., & KellyVance, L. (2001). The impact of mentoring on academic achievement of atrisk youth. Children and Youth Services Review, 23, 227–242. Thompson ...
Understanding Child Development: For Adults who Work with Young Children