A leading Professor of Retail Marketing presents 5 new frames through which students and practitioners can understand and approach the evolving environment of retailing today: Entrepreneurial mindset, Excitement, Education, Experience, and Engagement. Due to the influence of online shopping, social media, retailing analytics, and the growth of mobile shopping, the retail business environment has had to evolve dramatically in recent years. Dhruv Grewal believes that this change in the retail market means the marketing mix, or 4Ps definition – place, price, product, and promotion, must be transformed. In its place, Grewal introduces the 5Es retail Management framework. A new perspective for retailers to follow in order to be innovative and to ensure ongoing success. The book provides insights and ideas from retailers across the world to reinforce this new perspective, and offers direct examples of best practice from leading retailers such as Amazon, Victoria’s Secret, Kroger, Tesco, Zara and Groupon, amongst others. Online resources include PowerPoint Slides, Video links and Testbank Suitable reading for students of retail marketing.
Retail Marketing Management
The book is ideal for undergraduate and postgraduate students taking courses in retail marketing as well as those studying for marketing and business degrees where retail marketing is a core module -Pearson-
Block, M., Pigneur, Y. and Segev, A. (1996) On the Road of Electronic Commerce – A Business Value Framework, Gaining Competitive ... Financial Times, Pearson Education Limited Gilbert, D. (2003) Retail Marketing Management, 2nd edition.
This book is an introduction to a concept of retail marketing which differs from the traditional manufacturers' view.
The second edition of Retail Marketing and Branding includes the following updates: * New and updated case examples * Updated figures and examples throughout * New interviewers with recent experiences * Additional chapters Did you know that ...
Retail Marketing Management
Delves deep into modern marketing concepts and strategies behind successful retail brand building!
This book is devoted to the dynamic development of retailing.
This text represents a specialist text resource for students of retail management or marketing courses and modules, providing the reader with the opportunity to acquire a deeper knowledge of a key area of retailing management.
Retail Marketing Strategy makes the information available to drive new ways of thinking and make retail practice more agile for everyone.