Policing involves the application of state power in order to achieve a lasting peace between a nation's citizens. There is broad consensus across the political spectrum that this is an indispensable requirement of responsible government. In effectuating their duties, police officers are given great power, including allowance, in specific circumstances, to take a life. From time to time, social-political movements such as Black Lives Matter draw attention to applications of excessive force. The organization is exercising its democratic right to pressure the state to rein in violence directed at African American suspects. The practice of policing is faced with a genuine dilemma: How much and what kind of policing is required in order to maintain order? Existing efforts at reform, such as community policing, have failed to satisfy the concerns of many who live in poor minority communities who rely on police protection but who, for obvious reasons, resent abuse. These challenges are inherent in policing applications the world over. This case allows students to weigh the potential risks and benefits of privatizing police functions.
Providing detailed information about how community justice fits within each area of the criminal justice system, and including relevant case studies to exemplify this philosophy in action, this book is essential reading for undergraduate ...
This reading by S. Greenberg begins by identifying 36 issues considered by police executives to be important for the future . Certainly these broad questions loom large for today's police executives — how to implement community policing ...
Improving Public Confidence in the Police: A Review of the Evidence
Force : Perspective on the Police , edited by A. S. Horvath , F. , and Donahue , M. Deadly Force : An Blumberg and E. Niederhoffer , pp . 321-330 . Analysis of Shootings by Police in Michigan , New York : Holt , Rinehart & Winston ...
Fitting the Bill: Local Policing for the 21st Century
Comprehensive, readable text that presents a practical look at police field operations and is designed to be used in one-semester courses on police operations or patrol procedures.
Updated line-by-line and focusing throughout on the dual themes of problem solving and community/police collaboration and partnerships, this comprehensive text provides law enforcement students and police professionals with a career-focused ...
Analysis of Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) Activity Based Costing (ABC) Data: Results from an Initial Review
Co-production as a Form of Service Delivery: Community Policing in Alexandra Township
Policing a Multicultural Community