The case study "President Interlocking and Firm Performance in Latin America: An Empirical (Quantitative) Study" provides students with a practical research guideline to pursue their own exploration of business and management topics. Through six steps and a study example on interlocking directorates and performance in Latin American companies, students are driven toward the empirical (quantitative) investigation pathway. Practicalities and lessons learned during the authors' own research process are revealed.
Guide to the role and responsibilities of non-executive company directors. Includes information on company law and administration, the duties of the director, and evaluating board performance. The authors are, respectively,...
104-369 ( 11-28-95 ) . Thus , the Eleventh Circuit stated that forward - looking statements are not actionable simply because the company did not disclose all adverse conditions that could possibly affect its performance . Harris v .
20 questions que les administrateurs devraient poser sur la rémunération du conseil
Der Geschäftsbereich des Arbeitsdirektors
The Casson Beckman Guide to Directors' Duties and Responsibilities: Your Questions Answered
本书内容包括董事会的作用及面临的制约因素, 董事会领导, 首席执行官的薪酬, 评价和更换首席执行官等.
Directors' Loans, Other Transactions and Remuneration
'Say on Pay' Vote Variations • Recently, Edward Durkin, a veteran activist investor, and the United Brotherhood of Carpenters Pension Fund introduced the idea of a tnennial vote on executive pay ("TEP") rather than an annual vote.
Company Directors: What You Need to Know to be a Director in 1989 : Papers Delivered at a Workshop Held...
The Directors' Uneasy Chair