This concise, easy-to-understand and highly visual book helps students to understand the principles behind the many statistical practices. This text helps students to build a mental map to enable them to work their way through tests and procedures with a better level of understanding (and ultimately feel more confident and get better grades). Statistical analysis will also be covered in the book in the same simple-to-follow way, without messy details or complicated formulae. However, this approach does not lead to simple understanding. Instead it allows students to really grasp how to use, and be creative with, statistics. Key features: A principles-based approach, helping students to apply and adapt their skills to a variety of situation Test out principles in practice on the companion website with statistics scenarios Carefully designed graphics to explain statistical principles Links to relevant sources / further reading for statistical packages, so the book can be used as a portal to/ springboard for further study. Developed in conjunction with students means this book answers the key challenges students face. Based on a BPS commended programme Supported by a wealth of online resources at
Each procedure is explained in a direct, concise language and both verbally and numerically. Learning goals upon completing this book, readers should be able to know both definitional and numerical formulas and how to apply them.
As an alternative to typical, lead-heavy statistics texts or supplements to assigned course reading, this is one book psychology students won't want to be without.
After introducing the theory, the book covers the analysis of contingency tables, t-tests, ANOVAs and regression. Bayesian statistics are covered at the end of the book.
This innovative text covers topic areas in a traditional sequence but gently shifts the focus to an alternative approach using estimation, emphasizing confidence intervals, effect sizes, and practical significance, with the advantages ...
Organized into 17 chapters, this book begins with an overview of alternative ways of stating the conclusions from a significant interaction. This text then presents the analysis of variance and introduces the summation sign and its use.
This book presents an historical overview of the field--from its development to the present--at an accessible mathematical level.
This usually goes by the more userfriendly label Pearson's r.The value of r indicates how strong a ... As with ttests, computation of Pearson's r involves going through a series of standard steps. In essence, these allow us to establish ...
... S. E., 227 Hansel, T. C., 23 Hardin, E. E., 79 Hargreaves, D., 18 Harris, B., 378 Harrowing, J. N., 56 Harwood, E. M., 125 Harzing, A.-W., 327 Hatfield, J., 186 Hattie, J., 323 Hauser, D. J., 329 Hay, C. A., 166 Hayman, S., 73 Hays, ...
This Eighth Edition continues to focus students on two key themes that are the cornerstones of this book's success: the importance of looking at the data before beginning a hypothesis test, and the importance of knowing the relationship ...
Psychological Statistics: The Basics is an accessible guidebook which will walk the reader through the core logic of statistical inference and provide a solid grounding in the techniques necessary to analyse data in the psychological and ...