Student-led in its design and development, the book incorporates digital marketing as central to what marketers do, and combines quality examples, assessment and online resources to support the teaching and learning of introductory marketing in a digital age. The author integrates digital and social media marketing throughout the chapters and through student involvement in the development of it, the text has been made to be approachable and to appeal to students, with infographics, numerous images, and an engaging writing style. It facilitates the “flipped” approach to classroom teaching and is supported by a number of features and activities in every chapter, encouraging students to undertake course reading, class participation and revision. It includes case studies from global companies such as Nutella, Google, L’Oreal, Netflix, Airbnb, BirchBox, Uber, FitBit, Visit California and Coca-Cola. It also takes a social view of marketing, featuring cases tied to the UN’s PRME initiative to aid students in becoming sustainably-minded individuals. The book is complemented by online instructor resources, including chapter-specific PowerPoint slides, an instructor manual, flipped classroom activities, as well as open access multiple choice questions (with solutions), videos, case studies, weblinks, a glossary and SAGE journal articles for students. To find out more and for a quick sneak peek, watch our video on the book's story.
Based on her experience as CEO of The Marketing Zen Group and her work with clients ranging from small businesses to Fortune 500 companies, Shama Hyder cuts through the complexity and explains the five essential principles required to ...
Based on her experience as CEO of The Marketing Zen Group and her work with clients ranging from small businesses to Fortune 500 companies, Shama Hyder cuts through the complexity and explains the five essential principles required to ...
Last one is the placement strategy, including design, plan and management of channels as well as the corresponding sales ... the following challenges show up (Figure 2.8): • how to move from rigid planning to agile adaptation; 70 .
A half decade after his stellar career ended, he still remained a long way off from receiving the Hall of Fame induction that was once a foregone conclusion. If we are aloof and ambiguous about our mistakes, we also shoot out a ...
As Boyle's experience shows, high-quality design breeds success. It's no coincidence that Apple is currently one of the most highly respected and valuable companies in the world and considered a major design innovator.
The newest edition of The Zen of Social Media Marketing gives you: - A comprehensive overview of why social media works and how to use it to drive traffic to your website and fan page - A proven process to attract followers and fans and ...
...Influence - like strategy itself - is a team sport. Influence is everyone's responsibility. This book will help you understand your contribution to that reality.
This book is not about why you should digitally transform and become more strategic; it’s about how. It lays out the steps that must be taken, the data that should be used, and the decision tree to be followed.
The interface is now the brand. Branded Interactions is a practical handbook for professional digital designers and those just starting out.
This book is designed so you can immediately start implementing the ideas into your work. 100% money back guarantee if you are not satisfied.