This case describes how spiritual leaders can work with sexual assault survivors to help them heal. It examines the prevalence of sexual violence in the world and uses the findings from a report on sexual abuse at Bob Jones University to illustrate harmful approaches to spiritual leadership. Combining the results of the Bob Jones University report with data from other sources, such as the Department of Defense and salient research, this case describes ways that spiritual leaders can establish a supportive climate in their organizations, provide assistance, and empower survivors. Students will be asked to resolve the leadership dilemma of how to adhere to religious or organizational standards while supporting sexual violence victims. As this case shows, customary spiritual leader behaviors, such as establishing standards of dress, endorsing forgiveness, promoting moral codes, and protecting an organization's reputation, can affect sexual violence survivors in unintended ways.
I will proceed by examining Christianity's emphasis on the spiritual virtues of suffering and forgiveness, ... 2.1 Toxic Spirituality Carolyn Holderread Heggen, a Christian psychotherapist, identifies several religious beliefs that she ...
This Encyclopedia is the definitive resource for students, researchers and practioners needing further informationon various aspects of interpersonal violence, including different forms of interpersonal violence, incidence and prevalence, ...
The core of the book surveys findings on gender violence across Christian, Jewish, Islamic, Eastern, and Indigenous traditions--both attitudes that promote abuse and spiritual resources that can be used to promote healing.
Key Updates to This Edition: - A new and autobiographical Reflections piece appears at the end of each chapter.
2003; Teague, Mazerolle, Legosz, & Sanderson, 2008), or being from a fragile home environment (Högnäs & Carlson, 2010). For those who have been abusive, the contexts in which most people typically find social support, such as friendship ...
Leading the Fight: The Violence Against Women Office : Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Crime and Drugs of the Committee...
This all-in-one guide is designed to better equip clergy and the church leaders to meet their congregations' needs in a spiritually grounded and scientifically sound manner.
As believers, this book provides useful tools to understand, to healing path of God’s redemptive love. As believers, this book provides useful tools to understand, to minister, and to offer hope to the hurting of sexual abuse.
family, ancestors, community, and the natural environment (Abrams & Primack, 2001; Allen, 1992; Hay, 1998). Makere Stewart-Harawira (2005), a native of New Zealand, whose own indigenous background is Maori and Waitaha, asserted that ...
32 Margaret Urban Walker, Moral Understandings: A Feminist Study in Ethics (New York: Routledge, 1998), 186. 33 Urban Walker, Moral Understandings, 125–26. 34 Urban Walker, Moral Understandings, 128. 35 Urban Walker, Moral ...