Our enduring love of vampires - the bad boys (and girls) of paranormal fantasy - has persisted for centuries. Despite being bloodthirsty, heartless killers, vampire stories commonly carry erotic overtones that are missing from other paranormal or horror stories. Even when monstrous teeth are sinking into pale, helpless throats - especially then - vampires are sexy. But why? In A History Of The Vampire In Popular Culture, author Violet Fenn takes the reader through the history of vampires in ‘fact’ and fiction, their origins in mythology and literature and their enduring appeal on TV and film. We’ll delve into the sexuality - and sexism - of vampire lore, as well as how modern audiences still hunger for a pair of sharp fangs in the middle of the night.
This is the THIRD and most recent edition.Lure of the Vampire is a pop culture reference book that takes you on a journey through the mythology and history of the monstrous vampires – through the romantic and, at times, scary vampires in ...
In Paul Morrissey's Blood for Dracula (1974), Dracula's (Udo Kier) outdatedness as an Old World Count is signalled from the outset; lacking a reflection, this striking and camp Dracula nonetheless likes to keep up appearances here, ...
Although previous encyclopedias have attempted to chart this terrain, no prior work contains the depth of information, the breadth of scope, and the up-to-date coverage of this volume.
90–5. Krikowa, Natalie. “Artemis: Foregrounding Queer Voices Using Transmedia Storytelling.” DCA Thesis. University of Technology Sydney, ... Beyond a Joke: The Limits of Humour. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.
William Martin Leake, Travels in Northern Greece, 4 vols (London: J. Rodwell, 1835), iv. ... Gentleman's Magazine, 58 (1785), 804: see William Watson, 'An Account of a Disease Occasioned by Transplanting a Tooth', ...
Whether as a symbol of the allure of sin, as an apologetic for assorted religious icons, or as a gateway into a discussion of liberationist theology, the vampire has served as a spiritual touchstone from Bram Stoker's Dracula, to Stephen ...
Kmfi't-Ehing, Richard von. Piyrbopatbia Sexualis, trans. by F. Rebman. New Yorlc Rebman, 1903. La Bane, \Veston. 7b: Gbor! ... Leach, Maria, ed. Funk Ea' Wrgnallr Standard Dictionary ofFolUore, Mylbalogy, and Legend.
This is the 1st edition of this book out of THREE books. There is an updated second and THIRD edition available with the same name . this is the OLDER edition Do you ever wonder where vampires come from?
... BE STILL, MY VAMPIRE HEART The heart is often at the centre of vampire mythology. In folkloristic terms, the heart played a big part in actually annihilating 'the vampire'. Over the centuries, several ways of ... vampires Vampire Bodies 61.
Frank Lovece, The X-Files Declassified (Secaucus, NJ: Carol, 1996), 1. 11. The first was “Travelers,” airdate March 29, 1998. Carter had originally planned to get McGavin into the show during its second season, as Agent Mulder's father, ...