Practical guidance from a true story Shows the power of the gospel to heal For personal reading or counselling
Post-divorce Parenting Arrangements, Family Processes, Children's Emotional Processes and Children's Behavioural Adjustment
The Intelligent Divorce: Because Your Kids Come First. Taking care of yourself
Christoffersen, M.N., Skov Olsen, P., Vammen, K.S., Sander Nielsen, S. & Lausten, M.: Tidlig identifikation af kriminalitetstruede børn og unge. Risiko- og beskyttelsesfaktorer. 207 sider. ISBN: 978-877119-046-5. e-ISBN: ...
I Do, Part 2 is a funny, honest trounce through life post-divorce, helping people who produced a child together, then split, learn to navigate their complicated new lives.
Ma vie entre eux: pour un peu de stabilité lorsque tes parents sont séparés
And suddenly, it's Heather who is the normal one. This is an honest, but bright and funny look at a family destroyed in a single moment.
Simplified Chinese edition of The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks, a New York Times bestselling romance novel. In Simplified Chinese. Distributed by Tsai Fong Books, Inc.
"Les relations entre Élisa et son père sont difficiles.
I'm Bill Evans . Can I help you ? " said the ranger . " Well , Mr. Evans , we're up on campsite 101 , and we would like to report some strange things happening . " With that as an introduction , all three kids began talking at once ...
El síndrome de Salomón es el conjunto de alteraciones, emociones y sentimientos que acontecen en un niño cuando sus padres se separan.