The importance of 'heaven' is not merely as an alternative to 'hell', and it is not just an abstract future state. It is a physical reality which can give us joy and hope even now.
Leader's Guide for Group Study of Heaven, by Charles Ferguson Ball
The World Beyond: The Mysteries of Heaven and how to Get There
Surprised by Hope by Tom Wright (2011).
Let the Good Times Roll: 5 Key Factors to Heaven on Earth
Babette's Feast [El Banquete de Babette], película dirigida por Gabriel Axel (Panorama Film, 1987). 85. ... Robert Browning, “Rabbi Ben Ezra,” líneas 1–3, en Dramatis Personae (London: Chapman and Hall, 1864). 101.
Sheldon's family takes him to explore other worlds with sparkling gems and delicious new fruits. And then the fun really begins! Sheldon's adventures in Heaven will make your child long to go there.
You better believe, Heaven is for real! See a glimpse of the place we can all look forward to when Jesus comes.
Heaven and Hell
Soar on the wings of destiny. In this inspiring book by Paul Keith Davis, you'll discover supernatural visions, astonishing revelations, and divine encounters that describe rooms in Heaven containing precious mysteries.