This book focuses on the development of the process of teaching and assessing foreign language competence for study purposes in a pluricultural and plurilingual context. It addresses not only the individual who is learning the language for academic purposes (LAP), but also other stakeholders, like teachers, schools and universities, and external boards, such as examination boards for language testing. The book highlights an ongoing research project at the University of Parma, Italy, aimed at developing teaching programs and evaluative tools for language for academic purposes. Starting from a reflection upon the nature of language for study purposes stemming from the tradition of English for Academic Purposes, it describes the model of an LAP test implemented in Italian secondary schools and universities, and shows the findings concerning the performance in the test of both students whose mother tongue is Indo-European and those who speak non-Indo-European languages.
Researchers ' study of acknowledgement texts Besides Chinese editors ' remarks on acknowledgements , a few Chinese researchers have examined acknowledgement texts from various perspectives ( Y. Chen , 2007 ; Jiang & Zhao , 2008 ; Ma ...
The book contains academic language lists (the mortar) and four content area academic vocabulary lists (the bricks) to help ELL, struggling readers, and any student who wants to succeed academically and prepare for college.
"This volume in the Common Core State Standards for English Language Learners series was designed to deepen teachers' knowledge and provide instructional approaches and practices for supporting 6th-grade through 12th-grade ELLs as they meet ...
This book aims to empower students and improve their academic performance by equipping them with essential academic literacy skills: reading and writing skills, sentence level grammar, language use, and vocabulary development.
This title presents an in-depth treatment of over 22,000 words, phrases and meanings.
The subject of this volume is grammar and syntax. Here, David and Yvonne Freeman shatter the myth that academic language is all about vocabulary, revealing how grammar and syntax inform our students' grasp of challenging text.
This versatile new book can serve as a stand-alone book for teachers and teacher candidates who might not be familiar with the SIOP(R) Model.
This volume presents a rich variety of perspectives on verbal/visual narrative texts in higher education coming from Europe, North America, South Africa, China and Australia.
The Only Academic Phrasebook You'll Ever Need contains 600 sentence templates organized around the typical sections of an academic paper. Here are some examples: 1.
Common Core Standards - Academic Language in the Classroom